Wiki Anemia due to kidney failure, post transplant


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How would you suggest coding anemia due to chronic renal failure if the patient is post transplant, and the documentation does not support current CKD? D63.1 is a manifestation code requiring the underlying condition... Would D64.89 be the most appropriate? Thanks in advance.

Actually if you have documentation that patient has Chronic Renal Failure, it the same thing as CKD. Keep in mind the most effective treatment for CKD stage 5 or ESRD is a kidney transplant. Patients undergoing kidney transplant will not mean that CKD will resolve. They might still show a level of CKD and this does not mean that this is an transplant failure as this is expected.

In your case, if you have anemia due to chronic renal failure it would still be coded to to D63.1 with additional code for the chronic renal failure (CKD) which if not specified with a stage will be coded to N18.9.

Dont forget your s/p kidney transplant code!

Hope you find this helpful,

Thank you,
AAPC El Paso Chapter - President
Thank you for your reply! To clarify, the documentation doesn’t support current CKD, only that the patient has anemia due to CKD that was prior to the transplant.
Ok I'm a little confused now :p

so let me see if I'm getting it. The diagnosis given for the encounter is "anemia due to chronic renal failure." So if that's the case, then they are telling you the patients current encounter was for anemia that was caused by CKD meaning that's an active underlying condition.

CKD doesn't go away, so I can assure patient still has it but well, we are not going to assume as coders. When you doesn't support current CKD, what are you trying to say, just to get a better idea.