Wiki anastomosis


True Blue
Marrero, LA
Best answers
If a patient has an ostomy closure , and it stated the small bowel to colon anastomosis , is it 44620, 44625 ,or 44626? Please help, not understanding this ?
Look at CPT code 44625 (Closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine; with resection and anastomosis other than colorectal)

Lay Description:
The physician takes down an enterostomy (stoma) of small intestine or colon, with resection and anastomosis other than colorectal. The stoma is resected and an anastomosis between the bowel ends is completed. The physician makes an incision around the stoma or a separate abdominal incision may be made. Next, the stoma is mobilized and taken down from the abdominal wall. The stoma is resected and the bowel ends are reapproximated with staples or sutures. The abdominal incisions are closed.