Wiki Anaphylactic Shock or Reaction


Lumberton, TX
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Coding has taken a different turn with the use of episode of care in ICD-10. We have always educated not to code a condition that the patient currently does not have (suspected, rule out, resolved, etc.) With Anaphylactic Reaction to... or Anaphylactic shock, ICD-10 has the option of initial, subsequent, or sequela (T78.0-, T78.2-) If the patient goes to the ER in anaphylactic shock and goes to the clinic to see an allergist a week later (no longer in shock), does the Allergist code Anaphylactic shock subsequent episode? The patient is no longer having the reaction, but following up with the allergist for the reaction. (This applies to a patient having a reaction or in shock.)

Thank you! :)
If the anaphylactic restriction is still under treatment then yes use subsequent, or if there are residual issues use sequela. However if this is just to probe the allwrgy or possible allergy then no since the reaction is no longer the issue. Use the Z code for allergy status if this is documented.