Wiki Amount and/or Complexity of Data to be Reviewed and Analyzed

Local Chapter Officer
Little Chute, WI
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Under the Amount and/or Complexity of Data to be Reviewed and Analyzed box, how does one interpret "any combination of 2 of the following"? Does it mean you must have at least two of the bullet points in order to meet Category 1? Or can you have one bullet point and count it twice to reach Category 1? For example, provider orders CBC and an x-ray of the abdomen. Would that be counted as reaching two bullet points- amount of complexity of data is Limited? Or does it only count as reaching one bullet point- amount of complexity of data is minimal? Thanks for your input.
For limited data (level 3 data), any combination of 2 means ANY 2 of the list. In your example, ordering 2 unique tests meets limited data.