Wiki Am I missing anything??


Puyallup, WA
Best answers
I'm wondering if anyone can provide me with some help. I don't have a lot of experience billing for ASC's. I would like to make sure that we aren't missing any additional things we could be billing for. We only do Urology and General surgery at our ASC. Can anyone tell me about billing for conscious sedation? If we can bill for this I would like to. In appendix G in the CPT book I know things like colonoscopies you can't bill seperatly for it. However we do a lot of Cystoscopies, Vasectomies, Prostate biopsies, breast biopsies, subcutaneous mass removal's. I know the cysto's are usually mild conscious sedation. If anyone can help, or point me in the right direction. I would really appreciate it.

Also, anything else we can bill that you can think of. We don't bill for mesh for hernia repairs. I was told that that bundles into the procedure. We do bill for the port's for the port placements. Anything else??

Right now all we bill for is the procedure code, any radiology codes we can (ex: 74420, 76872), and the port's.

Thank you so much for any help you can provide. I just don't want to miss anything.