Dunn, NC
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Need some guidance on billing for allergy compounding when outsourcing the extract compounding. My organization is looking at outsourcing our compounding but is unsure how to bill for this. Previously, we would compound ourselves and bill 95165, but I am thinking we cannot bill 95165 when outsourcing the mixing. Does anyone have knowledge on how we can bill for this? Thanks!
Need some guidance on billing for allergy compounding when outsourcing the extract compounding. My organization is looking at outsourcing our compounding but is unsure how to bill for this. Previously, we would compound ourselves and bill 95165, but I am thinking we cannot bill 95165 when outsourcing the mixing. Does anyone have knowledge on how we can bill for this? Thanks!
Did you ever get any information on this? I have a clinic that outsourced the compounding before researching how to bill.