Wiki Allergy and Immunology Coders


Local Chapter Officer
Hooper, UT
Best answers
Is there anybody out there that codes for and Allergist/Immunologists that I could bounce some questions off?
Hi Mickey thank you for responding!
I have a question on the assignment of ICD 9 codes for food allergies specifically patient's who have had anaphylaxis to a food in the past and present to the clinic for a routine follow up, but are not currently having anaphylaxis. The coder previous to me coded all these patient's with the anaphylaxis diagnosis code, but from the small amount of information I've found it states that unless the patient is currently having anaphylaxis, then those diagnosis codes should not be coded. I've also found that an ICD 9 code is assigned based on the patient's reaction to the food. Any information you can provide on how you code these would be appreciated. Thanks!
First you should be coding from the Physician documentation. For a f/u for anaphylaxis reaction to food, if there is any documentation of anaphylatic reaction to food then you can code the food that caused the reaction.