Wiki Age Breakdowns

Gold Bar, WA
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If someone could please clarify the age breakdown for newborn, infant, toddler and child? Also, the source for this information would be appreciated!

If someone could please clarify the age breakdown for newborn, infant, toddler and child? Also, the source for this information would be appreciated!

It depends on what your looking for. Labs have a different breakdown for newborn (neonate is 28 days or less) than other areas. According to the ICD-9 book, New born age is 0. Pediatric age is 0-17 and maternity age is 12-55, adult age is 15-124. So you can see there is a huge overlap of ages. Everything depends on something else I'm afraid. There's just not a general guide for what your asking.

I've seen the "general" listed many different ways.

Newborn 0-30 days
infant 31 days to 1 or 2 years
Toddler 1 or 2 years to 4 years
child 5 years to 12 years
young adult (adolescent) 12 to 18 years
Adult 18 and up.

Infant below age one
Toddler 1-3
pre teen 11-12
Teen 13-18
Adult 19 and up

Adolescence between 10 and 19.

so as you can see, there are many different sets of general guidelines. Depends on exactly what your looking for and you can research and go from there.