Wiki Aftercare vs Follow Up Examination


Panama City Beach, FL
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Is there a specified time frame in which the aftercare code, V58.x, would be used as oppossed to the follow up examination code, V67?

Two examples; #1-Patient comes in 2 days postop myringotomy tube placement; What is the first listed dx, and do you still code the reason for the placement?
#2-Patient comes in 2 yrs after the myringotomy tube placement, for routine check; no symtoms of the originating condition which necessitated the tubes

How would these be coded?
Aftercare and followup have no time limitation. You would use aftercare if there was still some post op management going on like dressing changes. Followup is a surveilance of the patient . It sounds like both of your examples are followup and we never code the reason for the surgery once that problem has been taken care of.