Wiki Aftercare coding


Kansas City, MO
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I work as a coder in homecare/DME/Pharmacy. I would like advice as to if the orthopedic aftercare codes should be used when physical therapy is provided in the home. Most of the patients that we see are due to injuries and very few are congenital issues, etc. Therefore, the codes used are in the S00-T88 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes section.

I found this statement: "7th character “D” subsequent encounter is used for encounters after the patient has received active treatment of the condition and is receiving routine care for the condition during the healing or recovery phase. Examples of subsequent care are: cast change or removal, an x-ray to ICD-10-CM check healing status of fracture, removal of external or internal fixation device, medication adjustment, other aftercare and follow up visits following treatment of the injury or condition. "The aftercare Z codes should not be used for aftercare for conditions such as injuries or poisonings, where 7th characters are provided to identify subsequent care. For example, for aftercare of an injury, assign the acute injury code with the 7th character “D” (subsequent encounter)".

I actually do the coding for DME and Home Care Pharmacy and 'non-coder' nurses are doing the home care coding. I am probably overstepping, but I like to point out issues when I see them. I thought that my advice would be well received, but it wasn't.

Anyway, is the above statement is the evidence that I provided to these nurses.

Thanks so much for your input!
From what you write, I am guessing that when you code for your aspect of the patient encounter (DME, etc.), you apply the "Coding Rules" as you have put in your second paragraph, which are correct as I know them, and the "Non-coding" HH Nurses are "coding" the visits differently, particularly as it applies to the 7th Character vs Z codes. Your "Non-coding" Nurses need to go to Coding School/Classes to learn the rules as they apply to follow-up for Traumatic/Injury and Poisoning (S & T Codes) disorders verses Non-traumatic originating disorders requiring HH Care and Follow-up (Z Codes).

Just saying.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pechacek, M.D.