Wiki Afib

Louisville, KY
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The physician states in his consult that the patient has post operative afib. However the surgery was not related to anything cardiac. Pt has no history of afib. Which ICD9 code is more appropriate 427.31 or 997.1? 997.1 states it is a cardiac complication then lists several options underneath including arrest during or resulting from a procedure, insufficiency during or resulting from a procedure, cardiorespiratory failure and heart failure. With this denoted underneath it makes me doubt that afib would fall into this code? Opinions and advise appreciated.
IMO, I would code the 997.1

a) it is clearly stated to be related to the surgery

b) I wouldn't make to much of the fact that A-Fib is not mentioned under the inclusion notes for 997.1 - not every inclusion can be listed

c) maybe an anesthesia coder can clarify, but I wouldn't make too much out of the fact that the surgery was not related to a heart condition - maybe just an anesthesia reaction, perhaps? Can your surgeon clarify?

Just my 2 cents