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I was recently contacted to do some coding from home. Does anyone have any advice on how to bill/ charge for this? Also any risks in doing this?

I've never worked from home, I've always been a hourly or salary employee.
Working from home

I have worked from home for the past two years on a contract basis coding radiology claims and I enjoy it.

I am paid on a per transcription basis - that seems to be the most equitable payment arrangement - the more productive I am, the more I earn. That way, instead of keeping track of your hours, you keep track of the number of charts/cases etc. that you code. Some radiology cases, like any specialty, take less time to code than others, but in the end, it all balances out.

You may be asked to provide errors and omissions insurance to cover yourself in the event of a data breach, etc. My employer was satisfied with an umbrella policy that I have on my home. You will definitely need a secure place to store files, and a separate office with a lock on the door is definitely a good idea if you do not live alone.

Another thing to consider is the fact that you will most likely be paying for your own coding books, continuing education, etc. If you are paid on a 1099 basis, make sure that you make estimated tax payments throughout the year to avoid a nasty tax bill with penalties for not paying taxes throughout the year. I set aside X% of each check, and make quarterly tax payments and have not had a problem so far.

Good luck! It is both rewarding and scary working from home, but if your personality is suited to it, you will enjoy it.