Wiki adverse reaction?

Raleigh, NC
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If a Nurse give patient too little potassium then prescribed amount accidentally, which result muscle spasm
It is considered adverse reaction or poisoning?
If a Nurse give patient too little potassium then prescribed amount accidentally, which result muscle spasm
It is considered adverse reaction or poisoning?

it is neither. in ICD-9 there is really no specific code for this so you will code it as a complication of care. in ICD-10 CM it is coded with the muscles spasm first and the T code for underdosing second with the Z code for complication of care third.
Thanks for your replay. How about Dilantin toxicity resulting in nystagmus. It is a poisoning or adverse reaction? Thanks once again

The difference between poisoning and adverse reaction is how the drug was taken. If it us documented that the patient followed the directions for the drug then had a reaction it is an adverse reaction, if the patient took more of the drug than what was prescribed it is poisoning. Intentional if the payient intended a harmful outcome or accidental if it was a mistaken overdose.