Wiki AdvantX help in set up stage of Procedure Fees ???


Pensacola , Florida
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I could really use some help just to jump start me ! I am working for an ASC and we are setting up with AdvantX .. I am to set up all the fees in the system ...I was "trained" for about 3 hours on the whole system and that was 3 weeks ago ... I am now on my own .. :eek: :eek: :eek:

If you can give me some clues on the set up process for entering info into the Procedure: Open table .. I have the numbers .. I just don't know if I am doing this right and I am pressed for time .. there has got to be an easier way to enter it in numerical order ??

for instance : 10021 ..or any number for that matter :eek:

Thanks !
I think I know what you are asking. Go into user table & select procedure from drop down box; click on new, enter procedure in description, quick code is the procedure code, the fee, CPT code, any modifiers you want to default when you enter the code (eg SG), the rev code, status = billable, SOR = facility fee. Make sure the active box is checked. I hope this is what you are looking for. If it isn't, please feel free to contact me since I've been using AdvantX for 6 years. (By the way, I didn't have much more training. I learned by trial & error & claim denials)
I just remembered that AdvantX had entered most of the procedure codes for us. I entered the remainder of the information and entered any new codes that were not already in the system. You shouldn't have to enter every single procedure code!
I believe, if my memory serves me correctly, we paid Advantx $150 to upload all of the codes and like Anastasia, just entered the other info (rev codes, etc) after that.