Wiki Adreima Company

I work for Adreima and absolutely LOVE the company! Very flexible with hours and schedules, family oriented, lots of support with any issues I may have or any coding questions. Just a pleasure to work with! :)

Adreima is a wonderful company to work for! The support from the Coding Manager and Coding Director is exceptional. It's an all around great company!
Thanks, I had a phone interview for a remote position, I was told it wasn't contract work and 100% remote in the beginning then by the time I talked to the coding manager it was a different story. I'm so upset I was mislead and worked so hard on their test for the position. I turned it down.

Hi can you tell me how long was it from the time you had the phone interview until you heard back from them? I submitted my test but have not had any reply and that was a few weeks ago. Thank you