614.2 is infected Cysts, including TOMass. Since your description did not specify that, we can not give this code because there are other cysts like gartners cyst, para ovarian/ para tubal cysts
More appropriate is 620.8 , becuase all the cysts of the adenexa could be contained into it- including those which are not of ovarian or tubal origin and it all the more includes Broad Ligment cysts also, wherein the Gartners cysts, paratubal and praovarian cysts are all included- in other words it describes the ADENEXAL CYSTS what ever the etiology be.
If you can give more info, we can fix it up better and more to the point.
Age of the patient is also important. If it is a child or younger age group children, 752.11 can also be thought more acccurately because this describes one of embryonal origin
I feel this makes more clinical sense.