Wiki Admitting dx for rehab

Canon City, CO
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Does anyone know or where I can find guidelines for what you use for dx coding for an inpatient rehabilitation facilty. The information I have found states that for admission you use the late effect codes and V-codes to identify aftercare following initial treatment of a condition. For example, if a patient came in with coronary artery bypass grafting, the principal dx would be 414.00(CAD). When the patient is discharged to a rehab hospital, the initial rehabilitation aftercare code would be V57.89 and would be applied as the principal as well as 438.89/799.3 (late effect of CVA/debility) as the secondary diagnosis. The cormorbidities are also coded and included. This would make sense to me, but my manager seems to not understand why V57.89 is listed first. I dont know where else to find any good and reliable resources to relay back to my manager. Anyone have any insight on rehab coding????
For the rehab dx it is a v57 look in your coding guidelines under general guidelines number 15 encounters for rehab. That should be all you need.