Wiki Admission after decision for surgery


Bowman, SC
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Is this scenerio correct:

Patient presents to the surgeons office. The surgeon determines the patient needs a cholecystectomy. They plan the date of surgery for two weeks later. One week later the patients presents to the emergency room in terrible abdominal pain. It's determined the pain is from a gallbladder attack . They decide to admit the patient. If the surgery is still set for a week later, can you charge the admission?
Are you operating or just admitting?

If you are just admitting the patient for treatment of the pain, and you are NOT going to operate, then you may be able to code the admission.

If you are moving up your surgery schedule due to this admission, then I do not think you can code the admit. It's bundled into the surgery.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC