Wiki Additional certification make a difference??


Youngsville, NC
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I recently became CPC certified on December 5, 2015 and am ICD 10 Proficient as of January 30, 2016. I was able to have my "A" removed with one letter from my school for the necessary hours and the other letter from my previous employer. I was in a billing role that utilized some coding. I have been on the job hunt for about a month and haven't had very many promising leads. I was doing some research on additional certifications and I noticed the COC (Certified Outpatient Coder.) I also went back to the website that I took all my classes on and they offer a COC class as well as an E/M class, and they have it listed as a recommendation after receiving your CPC. I am considering putting my job search on hold and taking these two courses (take about a month to a month and a half if I focus on it full time) but just wanted to get some experienced coders thoughts? Will this help with landing my first coding job? Will it not make much of a difference? I have the time to do it now so I am leaning towards going for it. The E/M course I just want to take for the knowledge as E/M can be tricky and I think I could use some help with it. Sorry for the lengthy post. Any suggestions, advice and thoughts greatly appreciated and welcome! Also if any one knows of anyone hiring a CPC in the Raleigh/Durham, NC area that would be awesome too!

Personally I don't think it makes much of a difference. Most employers are looking for experience. Additional certs won't make up for a lack of experience. I imagine that employers who are willing to hire with minimal or no experience are just looking for a CPC-A.

I was lucky enough to get my first coding position with no practical experience, but I was changing careers and had a substantial business background that my employer felt made up for a lack of experience. I got my additional certifications after I was hired.
Personally I don't think it makes much of a difference. Most employers are looking for experience. Additional certs won't make up for a lack of experience. I imagine that employers who are willing to hire with minimal or no experience are just looking for a CPC-A.

I was lucky enough to get my first coding position with no practical experience, but I was changing careers and had a substantial business background that my employer felt made up for a lack of experience. I got my additional certifications after I was hired.

Thank you! I do have 5+ years working for different administrative positions in the medical field (billing, some coding, front desk, admin assistant and medical records.) Maybe that will help? I just had my "A" removed so most of the jobs I applied to had the "A" on the top of the resume. I felt like it was like the "scarlet letter" and no one would even look at my resume after they saw that, maybe now that its removed people will look further at my resume and give me a chance?? Thoughts??
The biggest difference in the CPC and COC is that you have to know payment methodologies for the COC. It is an easy add on credential. Most employers that have 2 candidates, one with experience and no credential and one with no experience and a credential will most likely hire someone with experience. That is not always the case. I hired a coder with the CPC -A and minimal experience and she has worked out really well. Be sure to stress your ability to learn quickly, anxious to get first coding job and put my skills to use. Be confident and don't be apologetic about lack of experience. Your confidence and the way you present yourself as a professional can make a difference. Some of the companies that hire remote coders can be a good place to get experience. Some of the companies will hire new coders since they do their own training. Good Luck!
The biggest difference in the CPC and COC is that you have to know payment methodologies for the COC. It is an easy add on credential. Most employers that have 2 candidates, one with experience and no credential and one with no experience and a credential will most likely hire someone with experience. That is not always the case. I hired a coder with the CPC -A and minimal experience and she has worked out really well. Be sure to stress your ability to learn quickly, anxious to get first coding job and put my skills to use. Be confident and don't be apologetic about lack of experience. Your confidence and the way you present yourself as a professional can make a difference. Some of the companies that hire remote coders can be a good place to get experience. Some of the companies will hire new coders since they do their own training. Good Luck!

Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it. :)