Wiki addendums and corrections

Massapequa, New York
Best answers
Hi I have a questions, so a provider submitted a claim with an unspecified dx, claim gets denied, after reviewing the chart note, the chart clearly identifies left or right. The provider receives an email and says okay to use xxx (left side) he puts an addendum in the note indicating diagnosis should be xxx instead of yyy?, claim gets corrected and sent to carrier. My question is.. Is this okay? I know its a correction but he clearly indicates addendum and signs it, the old dx is still in the original chart note. I just want to make sure that is correct on what they are doing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and also where I can find the info. Has anyone done this?

I would have no problems rebilling this, esp. since the laterality had already been specified in the original note (presumably in the exam) and not the addendum