Wiki Add On Codes Non-Covered?


York, PA
Best answers
On the 2014 Medicare Fee Schedule for ASCs, all add-on codes have been removed. The codes remain on the Physician Fee Schedule. Codes are being denied as non-covered. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have a record of prior notification to this BIG change? I've called Novitas, who handles our jurisdiction, and all they can tell me so far is that effective 1/1/14 the codes are non-covered.
add on codes

I bill for an ASC in NJ and we do not bill the add on's as they are considered
N1 if you go on the mcr / novitas website you can download fee sched, and a lis5t of covered codes by mcr. they will list them as N1 with no fee. Hope this helps.
Yes, as of 1/1/14 add-on codes have been eliminated for reimbursement to ASCs. There was a comment period in 2013, to hopefully eliminate this decision; however, there was not enough ruffle in the ASC communities feathers to garner much support. Sadly, it is a significant cut for those smaller centers, and especially ones that serve a significantly large population of Medicare insured. Our center is 80% Medicare, we are getting hit big. I was hoping to see an increase in the primary procedure allowance to mitigate the elimination but that didn't happen either, only cut backs as per usual.
Thanks for the reply. We weren't aware this was a possibility for 2014, and I don't recall seeing it in any ASC newsletters.