Wiki Add-on Billing coding


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Hi! I have recently taken on a lot more of our billing at my lab and am wanting to know how to bill add-on codes. This has been a problem for us in the past.
Example would be that we received a urine sample and ran the initial screening and basic confirmation testing. The doctor comes back a day or 2 later and wants something else ran on the sample based on the initial results. Since the initial claim has most likely gone out the door, how or can you bill for an add-on test without creating what seems like a duplicate claim. (Pt's insurance would take the G-code and so another G-code would show up for same DOS....)

Is there a modifier that can be used?

thank you!
An add on say the physician ordered a panel or specific testing and then comes back the next day or day after and requests another test to be added on to the testing. If the claim has already gone out the door to insuruance, how would I add on that CPT code since it would have been from the same DOS but another code added on to the claim. Unless there is a total different way that we should be billing in the circumstance.

These are all Lab CPT all 80000's or Gcodes for TOX.

thank you!
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