Wiki Add -25 when EKG or Injection done?


True Blue
Salt Lake City, UT
Best answers
Patient comes into the clinic and has an office visit. Dr. does either an EKG or B12 injection. I am being told that we do not have to use the modifier on the office visit since an actual PROCEDURE was not done. How are you doing it and what are your results? If you bill an office visit and EKG without a -25 modifier is it being paid or denied? Having a problem with the billing office. Thanks!
When billing for Medicare, 25 modifier should be appended to an E/M when you bill a procedure having 0 or 10 global days. EKG and B12 injection both has global days indicator as XXX. For certain commercials, they need a modifier with E/M along with EKG and Injection. In any of the case, E/M service should be irrelevant to the procedure done or should be above and beyond the normal preop component for the procedure done.
Global Days?

Where can we find out the global days of the procedures such as the EKG and different injections, etc.?