Wiki Achilles tendon debridement - Our surgeon did the following procedure:


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Our surgeon did the following procedure:

"... Incised down the paratenon. Paratenon was then split and elevated medial and lateral to facilitate later closure. I then freed up any adhesion of the Achilles tendon to the deep surface of the paratenon. Also inserted a Freer to free up any adhesions more proximal. Then made a mid line incision into the Achilles tendon going approximately 70% down the depths of the tendon. I did identify some mucoid degenerative Achilles tendon tisse. This was shelled out using a scalpel blade. I could feel and see degenerative looking tissue. I felt we had adequately debrided the appropriate tissue and there was a less than 50% tendon removed. Therefore, no tendon transfer was indicated".

He coded it with CPT code 27899 - for billing purposes we are trying to find a comparable code for the 27899.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!
