Wiki Abscess Coding Question

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So, I'm doing the AAPC CPC Study Guide and Ch 5 has a question that reads "A 4-year-old presents with an upper arm abscess in the subcutaneous tissue. An I&D is performed. Pus is expressed and dry gauze dressing is applied. The procedure is coded as:
A. 10060
B. 10061
C. 23930
D. 10180"

They say that the correct answer is A, going Incision and Drainage/Abscess/Skin.
Why would it not be C, though, for Upper Arm?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
10060-10061, defines the procedure as “incision and drainage of abscess (carbuncle, suppurative hidradenitis, cutaneous or subcutaneous abscess, cyst, furuncle, or paronychia); simple or single and complex or multiple

23930 is more extensive (deep abscess or hematoma). Here is an article that might help explain that.

Hopefully that helps.
The 10060 is for an I&D at the subcutaneous level which is what the patient had. The 23930 is for a deep abscess below the subcutaneous level.
Thanks. I took it to Upper Arm and couldn't figure out why the generic Skin was correct.

Any advice on situations like this for the future?
Sorry for such a late reply, but my advice would be that if you are coding a dermatologist's work, always look first in the dermatology section.

There are a few dermatology codes that come from other sections, but there are so few of them that you can just remember which ones they are, ie:

biopsy of ear, eyelid margin, lip, or mouth
biopsy, destruction, or I&D of genitals
Botox on axilla or palms
lipoma deeper than sub-q

Those are the only ones I am aware of!