Wiki Aborted pacemaker placement


Yucaipa, CA
Best answers
Hi, I could use some advice on this please. Would you bill this as a pacemaker placement 33207 with a 53 modifier along with a Venography? I appreciate the info.

PROCEDURE: Venogram was done on the right and left side-patent venous system was confirmed. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Access was gained into the left axillary vein after venography and fluoroscopy-first with a micropuncture wire and then with a regular wire. Right sided placement was confirmed after passing the wire below the diaphragm. The prior incision (made at the outside hospital was opened). The two wires were brought out of the incision.
The ventricular lead was advanced directly via a 7 Fr long sheath and positioned in the right ventricular mid septum under fluoroscopy. Lead characteristics were measured and were satisfactory. After I split the sheath there was copious bleeding seen. These occurred to have an arterial pulsation and were seen around the lead as well as in an area more lateral and inferior to the lead. I placed several purse-string sutures around the lead and cauterized other areas that appeared to be bleeding. Hemostasis could not be achieved.
I finally called the cardiac surgeons, who also placed purse string sutures around the lead with no effect.
After a long discussion about possible causes, that included damage to an arterial branch around the vein, or the main axillary artery itself, I decided to pull out the lead. Hemostasis was finally obtained by manual compression with gauze. Using a staged approach, compression was gradually released and hemostasis was confirmed. The wound was closed by the surgeon-please see his note for details.