Wiki ABN's

Blairs, VA
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In our ambulatory surgery unit we require any patient having a prostate biopsy to have a urine culture a few days before to be sure there is not a UTI. Medicare is denying coverage saying that it is not medically necessary. Are we allowed to get an ABN to make the patient responsible if it is not paid for this reason?
yes you can have the patient sign the ABN and collect at the time of service from the patient. Just make sure it is completed correctly or else it is null and void. Patient must mark the box and sign and date it. Staff cannot mark the box.

yes you can have the patient sign the ABN and collect at the time of service from the patient. Just make sure it is completed correctly or else it is null and void. Patient must mark the box and sign and date it. Staff cannot mark the box.


Also if you read Medicare rules for ABN carefully it states you must read the entire thing to the patient out loud.