Wiki ABNs


Aubrey, TX
Best answers
I code for 5 internal med docs. It has been an ongoing battle to get the nurses and/or doctors to use ABNs. Does anyone have an ABN cheat sheet, something I can post by each workstation to remind them of what procedures require ABNs?
Or if there is one on CMS, can someone point it out please?
I'll be over here, having a breakdown....

Cheer up, KJ! There is hope! The CMS Learning Network (MedLearn) puts out a great brochure about ABNs. Here is the ICN number you can use to find it on the CMS website - ICN 006266 May 2012.
Go the CMS website In the upper right corner is a search tool, you can enter Medlearn Matters. In the next screen there is another search tool - copy and paste the ICD 006266 May 2012 and it will display the document you can open and print. I've found it very useful when working with providers.
Thanks, I have that. I am just horrible at excel, and my boss wants a cheat sheet/spreadsheet to post by everyone.

I need another job....
Changes with ABNs for ICD-10

Just wondering if the current ABN will still be valid with ICD-10? With so many changes, I just don't want to re-order without knowing if the forms will be changing, also.
Honestly i do not know if there is any way to know which procedures need an ABN in advance until you know the procedure and the diagnosis. A mandatory ABN is for when the procedure is covered under certain restrictions such as diagnosis, or age, or gender. However for this particular patient it did not work out that a covered rationale exists, therefore the patient must understand that it will be their responsibility and modifiers are required when the ABN is obtained.