Wiki abnormal glucose coding


Walnutport, PA
Best answers
I am asking for clarification for glucose coding as to when it is appropriate to use dx's
790.21 & 790.22 & 790.29.
Would it be appropriate to assign dx 790.22 for a dx of 'abnormal glucose tolerance' or does the doctor need to specify if the test was 'oral'?
If it is only abnormal glucose tolerance test, 790.29 is enough I think, but not sure 100%, the other two 790.21 and 790.22 is elevated glucose, but from 'abnormal' we dont know whether it is elevated or not.

Thara L CPC H
790.21 is specific for an impaired fasting glucose, and 790.22 is Impaired glucose tolerance test (oral), it is not documented as either fasting or oral then you must use unspecified. I would have the provider document one or the other if possible.
You do not need specification of elevated as the codes state IMPAIRED