Wiki ablation of inferior turbinates using Coblation and outfracturing


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
Surgery done for inferior turbinate deformity and hypertrophy of turbinates.
General anesthesia and Coblator was placed on ablation was done to shrink entire inferior turbinates until blanching occurred. Cautery was used for hemostasis.
Both turbinates were infractured and outfractured with a bivalve speculum. Gelfoam was then placed.
Which CPT's would we bill?
thank you fellow ENT coders
30801 VS 30802. You may need to query surgeon it was done for superficial or intramural.
30930 for outfractured.
Also, check any nasal lesion was destruction or excision, then 30117 is reportable with 30801/30802.

Turbinate cauterization and outfracturing, correct reporting
CPT Assistant, September 2010 Page: 10 Category:

Surgery: Respiratory System


When a patient has a bilateral submucosal cauterization of the inferior turbinates followed by outfracturing, do we report both the ablation and outfracture?


Code 30802, Ablation, soft tissue of inferior turbinates, unilateral or bilateral, any method (eg, electrocautery, radiofrequency ablation, or tissue volume reduction); intramural (ie, submucosal), is not bundled with code 30930, Fracture nasal inferior turbinate(s), therapeutic.

Also apply to 30801.
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