Wiki abdominal Mesh

Hood River, OR
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Looking for help on a DX code for this scenerio

Patient had incisional hernia repair in July- patient is very thin with "almost no subcutaneous fat" (MD's words)

MD reapproximated as much fat tissue as possible over the Mesh site.

However at this point patient comes in complaining of "discomfort when clothing rubs on the area"

MD states no return of a hernia- that on exam he can feel the more superficial layer of mesh just unerneath the surface of the skin.

MD says there is no issue with the repair, the mesh is intact, hernias are gone. She is at no risk for complications. states "there is nothing technically wrong with the operation and will plan on trying to cope with mild discomfort associated with the superficial location of the mesh"

I'm hesitant to code a complication of surgery as it isn't a complication of the surgery- but is related to patient habitus.

any suggestions?