Wiki Abdominal Compartment Syndrome


Fayetteville, Arkansas
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Can someone help me with coding Abdominal Compartment Syndrome ? This was a result of a enterotomy from Lysis of Adhesion. Would this be considered raumatic or non traumatic ?
I would not consider it traumatic.... It is the result of surgery. You should consider using an appropriate occurrence code (E Code?) to describe the circumstance as well.
This was result of Lysis of Adhesion greater than 2 hrs. The surgery I am coding the Compartment Syndrome for is from the abdomen being left open. " Abdomen was explored. There were no significant fluid collections or abscesses at this time. After irrigating the abdomen well, I then elected to use Vicryl mesh and sutured this around the edges of the fascia. This was done with absorbable suture. This essentially closed the abdominal compartment". Previous surgery : " Dense adhesions were immediatley encountered. We spent better than 2 hrs unwinding the small bowel. It was quite dialted and there were several areas of perforation that had developed f
during the dissection.