Wiki Abdominal Aortogram

Jim Pawloski

True Blue
Ann Arbor
Best answers
I went to a seminar, and I thought I heard that to bill for an aortogram (75625 or 75630), the renals have to be described in the findings. Is that correct, because I have had some reports that do not describe the renals but the lower abdominal aorta and the iliacs?
Yes you are right. I follow the same
75625-their should be documentation for the renal (visceral)arteries. most often the documentation says distal aorta is patent which would not be enough to code.
75630-aorta with renal arteries+bilateral extremities(bilateral femorals should be documented)
Yes you are right. I follow the same
75625-their should be documentation for the renal (visceral)arteries. most often the documentation says distal aorta is patent which would not be enough to code.
75630-aorta with renal arteries+bilateral extremities(bilateral femorals should be documented)

Thank you for the information

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC