Wiki abdominal aortogram

gladys font

East Brunswick, NJ
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I need your help coding the following report

The right femoral artery was punctured using anterior single wal micropunture techiques and placed in the right external iliac arter.

Under fluoroscopy. a SOS catheter and wire is used to form a reverse curve. This is used to select the SMA artery, celiac artery and IMA are well is the right-sided internal iliac artery. Contrast is injected at all of these locations. Over wire, this catheter was exchanged for a C2 catheter, which was used under fluoro guidance to select the left internal iliac artery. The catheter was then removed and the sheath removed.

At each of the aforementioned vessel, no area of active extravasation or abnornal vasculature suspicious for a bleeding site was identified. There is incidental note of a replaced right hepatic arising from the SMA artery territory.

Inpression: Mesenteric angiogram of the celiac, SMA and IMA terrioties as well as left and right internal iliac arteries reveal no angiographic leading or arterial vessel of suspcion.


How would I could the internal iliac artery? 36248x2
I need your help coding the following report

The right femoral artery was punctured using anterior single wal micropunture techiques and placed in the right external iliac arter.

Under fluoroscopy. a SOS catheter and wire is used to form a reverse curve. This is used to select the SMA artery, celiac artery and IMA are well is the right-sided internal iliac artery. Contrast is injected at all of these locations. Over wire, this catheter was exchanged for a C2 catheter, which was used under fluoro guidance to select the left internal iliac artery. The catheter was then removed and the sheath removed.

At each of the aforementioned vessel, no area of active extravasation or abnornal vasculature suspicious for a bleeding site was identified. There is incidental note of a replaced right hepatic arising from the SMA artery territory.

Inpression: Mesenteric angiogram of the celiac, SMA and IMA terrioties as well as left and right internal iliac arteries reveal no angiographic leading or arterial vessel of suspcion.


How would I could the internal iliac artery? 36248x2

In this scenario the Rt Internal Iliac would also be 36245 and 75736 for the angiography.

HTH :)