Wiki Abdomen exam


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What would make an abdominal exam just a body area exam rater than organ system? I can find examples of 'organ system' points, but what about the body area?
answer to abdomen

if you are talking about a US you can use 76705 (abdomen limited) if they are looking at one specific area. If you you have to have all 9 areas (cbd,aorta,liver,gallblader,pancreas,rt and lt kidney,ivc,spleen) the code would be 76700. hope this helps
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Doesn't make any difference

The only time in the 1995 guidelines that you can use body area is when you are talking about the AFFECTED body area (or organ system).

So whether you consider abdomen a body area or an organ system is immaterial if your presenting problem is "stomach ache" or "umbilical protrusion." What matters is whether you are doing a limited exam of the affected area/organ system, or an extended exam of the affected area/organ system.

For an PF exam you only have to examine the affected body area or organ system.

For an EPF exam you need a limited exam of the affected body area or organ system, PLUS other symptomatic or related organ system(s).

For a DETAILED exam you need an extended exam of the affected body area or organ system, PLUS other symptomatic or related organ system(s).

FOr a COMPREHENSIVE exam you need 8 or more organ systems examined. (Body area doesn't count here.)

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC