Wiki Aapc study guide chapter 3


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On question 8 of the study guide on chapter 3 it states: four years post hepatic transplant, the patient is diagnosed with combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma of the liver. Code the patients condition. It says to use 155.0 to correctly code the neoplasm. But why wouldn't it be 155.2 because it is not specified as primary or secondary.
On question 8 of the study guide on chapter 3 it states: four years post hepatic transplant, the patient is diagnosed with combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma of the liver. Code the patients condition. It says to use 155.0 to correctly code the neoplasm. But why wouldn't it be 155.2 because it is not specified as primary or secondary.

If you look under the 155 ICD-9 section and refer to 155.0, Liver,primary, it says Carcinoma and indented under Carcinoma it says Hepatocellular. That is why you use 155.0. Hepatocellular is mentioned under primary and is specific. Always code to the highest specificity. 155.2 is not specific.
Hope this makes sense