Wiki A student in need of help


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:confused: Im a student and I wanted to do a presentation on child vaccinations. For my presentation I wanted to present a superbill. The child would have had 4 immunizations for the visit to the dr office. I am confused I know that I do a cpt code but do I also included a diagnosis code for each immunization or 1 general code for all 4 vaccinations. Please help me I have worked hard in my class to maintain my gpa. I do assume that since 4 shots were administered I would code accordingly.

Thank you all in advance.:)
You would code a V-code for each vaccine given
90700 ACEL-IMUNE (D-TAP) (7yr under) V06.1
90633 HEP A (2-dose) V05.3
90696 KINRIX (DTaP-IPV) V06.3
90656 INFLUENZA (over 3 yrs.)no presv. V04.81
and then you administartion codes. we use 90471 and 90472

Fyi..... You use proc code 90465 and 90466 for pediatric imms unless the child is over 8 then you use 90471/90472. Also there is a specific dx for each shot. Hope this helps :d