Wiki 99497 Advance Care Planning


Local Chapter Officer
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The code description for 99497 includes "first 30 minutes". Does this mean it's non-billable if the planning is less than 30 minutes (like critical care requirements)? Based on the CPT Assistant article "Time-based Codes Reporting" from 8/2014, I understand the 99498 wouldn't be added until 46 minutes has been documented (past the mid-point of 30 minutes for the add-on) but I'm not sure if we use the same rule for the base code. If only 16 minutes of ACP is done, can we bill 99497?
The CPT Assistant article on these codes said the midpoint rule applies so code 99497 can be reported for 16-45 minutes. Payers may have policy requiring that the time is met or exceeded.
99497 - Advance Care Planning

I have the same question regarding the time.
According to the 2016 Procedure Desk Reference it states " The provider discusses and shares advance care planning for up to 30 minutes with a patient, his family, or an individual representing the patient, regarding the future healthcare need of the patient. ....."
It does not say that it is subject to the midpoint rule; it states "up to 30 minutes"
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