Wiki 99358: Implications of Text Change in 2010 CPT


St. Paul, MN.
Best answers
Good Afternoon!

I'm reviewing the 2010 CPT Changes for a training presentation I'm preparing and I noticed that the text for CPT 99358 changed drastically. A portion of the text deleted includes the directive to "(List seperately in addition to code(s) for other physician service(s) and/or inpatient or outpatient Evaluation and Management service)."

Does this mean this code may now be reported on its own; without an accompanying E&M code?

Did anyone else notice this change?

I look forward to your perspective/input!

Jodie, CPC
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Read the guidelines

Read the guidelines carefully and you will see that this must be related to a face-to-face service.

It does not HAVE to be on the same date of service, but I do not know how you will possibly relate it to the face-to-face service if it is not on the same claim.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels CPC, CEMC