Wiki 99232 Billed Twice in One Day


Ocala, FL
Best answers

I have a ARNP that saw a patient and discussed the care with the attending physician which is the physician that I work for. Both the ARNP and the physician that I work for both billed a 99232. The ARNP received payment and we received a denial. It's my understanding that we can't bill a 99232 twice in one day. Has anyone else had this happened? So, I am guessing that I have to notified my physician that he will not be paid :(

Thank you :)
Do these providers work together in the same practice? If so, this visit would appear to meet the definition of a split/shared visit per CMS guidelines. If the payer recognizes split/share visits, I recommend combining the documentation to reach your level of service and bill under the physician.

Thanks, Amanda
Do these providers work together in the same practice? If so, this visit would appear to meet the definition of a split/shared visit per CMS guidelines. If the payer recognizes split/share visits, I recommend combining the documentation to reach your level of service and bill under the physician.

Thanks, Amanda
Hi Amanda,

Thank you so very much for your assistance, unfortunately they work in different offices and are not of the same practice. Also neither documented time. By any chance do you know what other coders do when this happens? I am guessing we just have to write if off :(. Thank you again for all your help.
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If they are both from different specialty then they should both be paid. This should be appeal.
They are both the same specialty - internal medicine, can it still be appealed? Thank you so very much for all your help.
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Different office, different practice but the same specialty? Did they manage different diagnosis? If so you can appeal with that and different taxonomy.