Wiki 99222 during global period


Best answers
I think that I know the answer but need my memory refreshed. The patient developed a pin tract infection several weeks after surgery. The doc removed pin from the finger in the office and started patient on antibiotics. Infection became worse and patient presented to the ER several days later. Different ortho surgeon admitted patient for IV antibiotics. Can this physician bill a 99222 since this is a complication? Patient did end up having an irrigation and advertisement done.
I think that I know the answer but need my memory refreshed. The patient developed a pin tract infection several weeks after surgery. The doc removed pin from the finger in the office and started patient on antibiotics. Infection became worse and patient presented to the ER several days later. Different ortho surgeon admitted patient for IV antibiotics. Can this physician bill a 99222 since this is a complication? Patient did end up having an irrigation and advertisement done.

If the physician wanting to bill 99222 is in the same practice billing under the same tax id# to the surgeon my understanding is no he can't bill and EM because the patient is in the global period.