Wiki 99214 & 11055


Roanoke, VA
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Help please!! I have a claim which the doctor performed a level 4 exam with paring of callus. I used a modifer 25 on the E/M and a modifer XU on the paring. It is still being rejected. So, what modifers should be used, if any. Thank you in advance.
Help please!! I have a claim which the doctor performed a level 4 exam with paring of callus. I used a modifer 25 on the E/M and a modifer XU on the paring. It is still being rejected. So, what modifers should be used, if any. Thank you in advance.

You shouldn't need a modifier on the paring. Did you try billing the E/M with the 25 and the paring with no mod?
You shouldn't need a modifier on the paring. Did you try billing the E/M with the 25 and the paring with no mod?

Originally I did code it that way and it was denied stating it lacked information or billing error. There is nothing in the submission ie: missing information so I figured it was a coding error. I do not have the energy to tackle the dreaded phone tree unless absolutely necessary.
Medical records? reas

I am a biller and I would suggest doing an appeal with medical records that document the reason the parring was done. I agree the original coding with the 25 modifier on the office visit is what I would have done.
I agree with danskangel in that it is more than likely a diagnosis issue. 11055 is considered routine foot care and some insurance does not cover routine foot care. For example, Medicare only covers 11055 with specific diagnoses.