Wiki 99212 or 99213?


Newport, WA
Best answers
Will someone please review this chart note and let me know if we should bill a 99212 or 99213 and give me a breakdown of the rationale? Thanks!

CC: personal conerns.

History of Present Illness:
In for evaluation of lump in her vaginal area. States at this point it has pretty much gone away after being present for about a year. Not tender or red. No abnormal vaginal discharge.

Has a fluttering or pulsing sensation in the left side of her chest that comes and goes. Sometimes also gets it in her eyelid. No pain or shortness of breath.

Vital Signs:

Patient Profile: 14 Years & 7 Months Old Female
Height: 67 inches (131.83 cm)
Weight: 135.5 pounds
BMI: 21.30
BSA: 1.72
Temp: 97.6 degrees F temporal
Pulse rate: 68 / minute
Pulse rhythm: regular
BP sitting: 106 / 68 (left arm)
Cuff size: regular

Vitals Entered By: Brianne Watson MA (January 29, 2014 3:44 PM)

Physical Exam

Well appearing adolescent,no acute distress
normal female; tiny papule at posterior right labia- not tender or erythematous- ?cystic
left lateral chest wall nontender

Impression & Recommendations:

Problem # 1: SKIN LESION (ICD-709.9)
possibly ingrown hair or small cyst- reassurance given; call if grows or becomes bothersome

History - I see 4 HPI elements (location, quality, duration, S/S), 3 ROS (Cardio for chest, ENT for eyelid, Resp for no SOB) and with no PFSH, this would be EPF.

Exam (Used 1995) - three systems (const, GU, musculoskeltal) - EPF

MDM - 1 problem point, not data points, low risk - SF

History and exam meet 99213.