Wiki 99211 nurse visit


The Colony, TX
Best answers
I would like some clarification on billing for the 99211. I work for a pediatric office and if a patient comes in for flu shot only visit or their 2nd hpv vaccine. Can we bill for the 99211 or is just the vaccine and the admin we bill for? If that is the case when would be a scenario that you would bill the office visit code with the vaccine and admin? Does it have to be they were not able to get vaccines due to an illness and they have since came back and it was resolved, or can you still bill it as long as you have enough documentation on that days visit with the nurse?
If the patient comes in for a flu shot or vaccine, those charges are billed. Code 99211 would not be added. Code 99211 would be used for a dressing change or a patient that comes in just to have their blood pressure taken.
I agree it the only thing they are coming in for is the vaccination then you just bill for the administration.