Wiki 99211 how to get paid


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At a Hemotology/Oncology office when we give pts injections (chemo) and its nothing more than one injection, the pt is seen on a regular basis anyway. During this injection the Dr. will ck on pts vitals and a nurse will also, we never get pd for this charge I need to know what I can do to start getting my office pd for this procedure any info would be appreciatied. Thank you.
You cannot charge a 99211 for a visit for an injection. Checking vitals is a part of the administration so you should be using the appropriate code for the administration plus the drug code and that is all.
I agree with Deb. If the patient is coming in for a planned procedure (in this case the procedure is an injection), you cannot charge for an OV, even if it is a 99211. It is included in the CPT.