Wiki 99211 for nurse


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Does anyone know where there is documentation regarding qualifications on when you can charge for this as RN visit?
I have billed 99211 as brief nurse visits, but it has been denied or adjusted off by commercial payer claiming unbundling and is considered part of the injection..:(
Bundling 99211

Based on CCI edits, E&M and Preventive Medicine visits are now included/bundled with immunization administration. This edit can be over-ridden by appending a 25 modifier to the E&M/PM code. However, 99211 by definition is not considered a "significant" visit, so adding a 25 modifier to that code is inaccurate coding, and payers will deny 99211 as included/bundled.
Just an FYI, the code combination 99211 and 96372 are not billable with a modifier and they won't pay the 99211 even if you have a different diagnosis on it. Simply bill the 96372 or have the provider see the patient to capture any additional services needed beyond the scheduled injection.