Wiki 99211 - can someone explain to me when


Zephyrhills, FL
Best answers
can someone explain to me when you can bill 99211. i have an example if pt comes in for a flu vaccine can you bill a 99211? if patient comes in for a b-12 injection can you bill a 99211? i have read about this but still seem confused as to when you can bill a 99211....these are for a MA visits

please help...thanks
you cannot bill a nurse visit along with any other billable incident-to service. The 99211 must be billed alone....for example: ear lavage, BP check, weight check, suture removal (if sutures placed by another provider). These are services performed by a nurse/MA under a physician's direct supervision--he must be in the office suite. You can't bill it at the same time as another physician office visit, either.

You cannot also bill a 99211 with flu/pneumonia shots or other vaccinations (bill the vaccine and the administration code only)or with therapeutic injections, such as B12, or with a venipuncture or office lab.

Hope this helps.
If I may add you also cannto bill the 99211 instead of the venipuncture or injection admin code. The are numerous dx codes that Medicare will not pay for B-12 injections and the admin code will deny, you cannot then bill with a 99211 instead.