Wiki 99211- Can a nurse bill this for PPD read

Ellington, CT
Best answers
Hi ,

I work as a medical coder and biller in a pediatrics office. I have a question please. Can we use CPT code 99211 for PPD read done by nurse (like considered as a nurse visit)

Normally for a ppd placement,

We usually use Z11.1 I(PPD screening test) and CPT as 86580 (PPD)

and when we see the same patient back again for PPD read within 72 hours again ,

we code ICD as Z11.1 and CPT as 99211 (office visit- established patient) .

I want to ask if 99211 is an active code or not ?? Can we still use it ? Can Nurse see the patient and then can we code it.

It will be really helpful if someone can get back to me on this.

Thanks and Regards
