Wiki 99211 and Counseling?


Waterford, WI
Best answers
Hi Listserve,
A patient is seen by our Registered Dietitician for hyperlipidemia. The RD counsels the patient on self management for this condition. Per CPT the 99211 is typically a 5 minute visit. Here is my question, the RD's usually spend 30 to 60 minutes counseling, is 99211 the most appropriate code choice? Documentation definitely supports medical necessity.
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Yes, we bill that for our Non-Medicare patients, but Medicare does not cover those codes. Any recommendation for our Medicare patients? Is 99211 ok to bill?
Have you tried looking at Preventive Medicine, Individual counseling 99404 in CPT book?
98960 not cov'd by medicare

im having the same issue.
if medicare doesnt pay for the 98960, in my case for a P.A , then what other code can be used?
i assume 99211 is appropriate.

any other suggestions?