Wiki 99211 - am i correct, that if a patient presents


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am i correct, that if a patient presents with a problem and we bill 99211 as a nurse assessment, that is the only procedure that can be billed for that dos? a cbc 85025- cannot be billed correct?

thanks, nikki
If the patient presents with a problem then that cannot be a nurse only visit. As a nurse only encounter it must be in followup to a physician visit as ordered by the physician so it is a followup for something planned in advance. Therefore if the patient presents for a planned lab draw then you may not charge a 99211.
maybe i worded this incorrectly. patient is coming in for a cbc (scheduled). patient talks with nurse says they are having diarrhea, nurse speaks with doctor- and doctor gives nurse the orders. i should code the cbc correct, since that is the reason for the visit. i cannot code both 99211 and cbc right? i thought when you coded a 99211 that is the absolute only service that could be billed.

please clarify.

You may code for the CBC and the blood draw but not a 99211. The nurse may not id a new problem and treat it without the physician seeing the patient face to face and prescribing the appropriate treatment.